Erbi Blanco-True
Erbi Blanco-True is a banking professional with over 30 years of experience in financial services. She currently serves as a CRA Advisor to First Horizon Bank, specializing in the areas of Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) compliance, affordable housing, community development, and non-profit outreach. Prior to this, Erbi served as Senior Vice President, Director of CRA and Community Development at Great Florida Bank for more than seven years. Erbi also served as Market President of Neighborhood Lending Partners, a multi-bank lending consortium providing financing for affordable housing developments in South Florida that specializes in low income housing tax credit finance. Previously, she served as the Senior Relationship Manager for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, in charge of the Florida market.
Erbi obtained her Master of Business Administration degree from Florida International University and her Bachelor of Professional Studies degree from Barry University. She is actively involved in the community and serves on boards and committees for several nonprofits, including Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami, United Way, AAA Scholarship Foundation, Miami-Dade Economic Advocacy Trust Board, and the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce.