Our Supporters
Casa Familia is grateful for the support of local businesses, financial institutions and philanthropic foundations. We are proud to recognize them below:
Our Partners
Through the generous support and dedicated affordable housing initiatives of Miami-Dade County, Casa Familia secured nine acres of land in the heart of Kendall; and then assembled a team of strategic partners with the expertise and knowledge necessary to develop this exceptional community, and operate its best-practice model.
Our partners in this exceptional venture are: Atlantic Pacific Companies, a seasoned development firm with national recognition; United Community Options, a trusted social service provider; Truist Bank, a purpose-driven financial services company; Florida Housing, a state-established provider of innovative and fiscally sustainable solutions in affordable housing; and Royal American Management, an award-winning and full-scope property management agent; and Bank of America, one of the world’s leading financial institutions.

Philanthropic Foundations
We are grateful for the support of this generous group of charitable organizations who share our commitment to improve the lives of adults with Intellectual, Developmental and Other Related Disabilities in the Miami-Dade community. To learn more about how your organization can support Casa Familia, please contact Suzi Main.

Founders Society
The Village of Casa Familia Founders Society was established to recognize the extraordinary philanthropic contributions of an exclusive group of committed donors. This Society honors individuals who are inspired by the mission of Casa Familia, and through their generosity secure its future as one of the leading sponsors and advocates of affordable housing communities designed with features, amenities, and services that benefit individuals with Intellectual, Developmental and Other Related Disabilities. We are no longer accepting membership to the Founders Society. We are grateful for their support.
- Mrs. Willard Wheeler
- Trager Family Foundation
($100,000 – $299,999)
- Anne and Jim Davis
- Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation, Inc.
- Marc Plonskier
- Mrs. Jose Gonzalez
- Tom & Marie-Ilene Whitehurst
($50,000 – $99,999)
- Newslink of Miami, LLC
- The Family of H.R. Dunn Arencibia
- The Miami Foundation
- The Mneimneh Family Foundation
- The Rainforth Foundation, Inc.
- The Ward Family
- The Wiseheart Foundation
($25,000 – $49,999)
- Bank of America
- Bradesco Bank
- Cecilia Montero
- Lourdes Sanchez
- Michael Moran
- Peacock Foundation
- Ryder Charitable Foundation
- Sue and Fred Diamond Foundation
- The Reis Family
($10,000 – $24,999)
- Amazon
- Banesco USA
- Bankers Alliance / Erbi Blanco-True
- BB Americas Bank
- Centennial Bank
- City National Bank of Florida
- First American Bank
- Grove Bank & Trust
- Regions Bank
- SouthState Bank
- SunState Bank
- Synovus Bank
- TerraBank
- Third Federal Savings & Loan
- U.S. Century Bank
- United Community Bank
- Brooks Family Foundation
- Carol Whitehurst Deeser
- David Lawrence Jr. / The Children’s Movement of Florida
- First Horizon
- International Finance Bank
- Janek Global Enterprises Inc.
- Joselow Foundation / Adam Bierman
- Kritchman Family Foundation
- Marcell & Veronica Felipe
- Michael Logue
- Mr. and Mrs. K. Lawrence Gragg
- Mr. and Mrs. Vijay Kedia
- N R LaChance Foundation
- Silver-Levit Family Donor Advised Fund
- The Feldman Family
- The Inamdar Family
- The Jawitz Family
- The Kaplan Family
- The Rossel Family & Friends
- Vicki Kroviak and Steve Grieder
- Windsor Properties, Inc.
($5,000 – $9,999)
- Albert Milo Jr.
- American Screen Corporation
- Andrew Ansin
- Carol and Gerald B. Cope, Jr.
- Chase Street Foundation
- Coral Gables Trust
- Erbi Blanco-True
- Erivaldo Arraes
- Gerald A. Levit
- Gregory & Leslie Ferrero
- Jack and Maxine Wishart Charitable Trust / Lisa Wishart Chaffin
- Lena Johnson & John Lowell
- Marcia Cohn
- Margaret & Roger Starner
- MasTec
- Mike & Constance Fernandez
- Mrs. Edward N. Moylan
- Nestor J. Plana
- Seacoast Bank
- Tessa Kramer
- Truman & Scarlett Brooks